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Beautiful, functional carriers to essentially align your life.

Self Acceptance.
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April 15, 2019

Tax Day. It strikes fear in so many hearts. But the money stress most of us experience is an everyday occurrence. A background tape that plays all the hits: never enough, hard to get, you’re worth nothing if you don’t have it and you’re evil if you get it. We are spending our energetic currency on worry, finding it in abundance and our bank account in lack. I used to become paralyzed when looking at my finances. Heart pounding, cold sweats, nausea. Fear.

We are trained to have an emotional relationship with money that puts us in a state of survival, operating from the part of our brains that is designed for escaping predators. Yet we turn this part on for an overdraft fee. A bill in the mail. An interest rate hike. Tax season. We don’t make our best decisions, or view ourselves with love, when we are operating in survival mode. Our finances are going to be in the state they are in, in this moment. What emotional state do we want to be in when we look at them? Survival mode? Or Thriving mode? In this moment.

I am no longer willing to settle for living in the reality where my bank account dictates my Worth. I don’t believe I have to be rich to be emotionally stable when I look at my finances. I know that I make the best survival decisions, thriving decisions, when I am centered in my Self Worth not my net worth.

I am doing the work to transform my experience of money, and guess what? It’s working. I am no longer overcome by crippling fear when looking at my finances as they exist RIGHT NOW. Not some magic 6 or 7 figure future.

Last week I organized an entire year’s worth of expenses, asked our accountant to file an extension and actually felt JOYFUL. Looking our worth in the face while being in My Worth. It has taken tools to get here. I will be sharing them with you in a series of posts and videos because I believe we are all Worthy regardless of our net worth. And I want to live on a planet where more people feel good enough to feel that way.

Healing my Relationship with Money

Healing my Relationship with Money

BE the Example.

BE the Example.